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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Women's International Day: Women woes with their work but still did not get respect

Just like man, a woman does have dreams in her life to enjoy every moment of her life wherever she is, But our society and surroundings keep her away from this enjoyment. She also has dreams in her eyes to become Pilot, Engineer, Doctor or Manager. She wants to get education so that she can give feather to her dreams. But our society undermines her dreams and shows reluctance towards fulfillment of her dreams.
If some how she collects the courage to make her dreams true and succeeds in this. She again finds herself insecure in the job she joins in. She is mistreated in the organization due to male domination. She suffers from disparity in the organization.She is being harassed in family. She becomes victim of some bad comments at many public spots.
Whatever problem she has faced and she is facing but she can never deny from her duty of bringing up a child. And if she is deprived from her rights (say education, job) then it will affect the bringing up of her child directly or indirectly. Because she will not be able to provide full-fledged facility to her child. Which, In turn, will affect the future of her child.
A small baby looks pleasing as long as he is playing or crawling but the moment when it starts crying, man will also start crying or hating after 10 minutes or so. Now imagine if a man has responsibility of upbringing of that baby for 30 days then the man will surely quit this work and he will look for alternatives like maid or house keeper. A man gives up so easily when he does not have any problems whereas a woman never gives up. There is not this single work where man fails to do but there are many other works. And hence she is called “LAKSHMI” of house.
            Finally a man and woman both should enjoy the equal rights. And the WOMAN International Day is celebrated to bolster WOMAN towards getting their rights and honors in the society, workplace. Happy Women's International Day !!:)-

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