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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Censorship in Movies is justified??

               Every one or the other film being released now a days is a controversial movie because of obscene content,anti-religion content , bad dialogues ,Actions etc. so all these scene being shown  in the movie leads to some kind of harm to the society which in turn leads to controversies. for example the action shown in the movie can be imitated by child and which may cause a serious injury.
              Apart from these if anti-religion scene is there in the movie then it can raise outrage among religions, among  cities, among  states, among  countries etc.

               And if adult scene is there then a family would not watch movie .if some actor is doing smoking or taking alcohol in then a person who adores to that actor , may start taking alcohol saying that my favorite  actor can take alcohol  then why i can not (he feels proud imitating his actors).

All above stated reasons are digging into society slowly or gradually and it can be stopped by a having a proper censorship of movies.

censorship should be there in movie or not???
comments are welcome..


  1. Goddd..u r damn ryt...nw days finding a good movie to watch with family is just impossible. Last movie I had watched with family was OMG.

    1. OMG..yes...people have to wait for the right movie to watch with family...they can not go to watch every newly released movie.
